Multiple H1 Tags – Good Or Bad?

Will multiple H1 tags on a post or page help or hurt your site’s SEO? The short answer is yes and no. The long answer is yes and no. I see the question of multiple h1 tags often discussed in forums and articles. The answer I think really comes down to intent. Is your intent […]

Killer Content

Attack Of The Killer Web Content

I love the phrase “killer content.” I really don’t know what it means, but it sure makes me smile. Killer content also goes by the less colorful name of great web content. The problem for me is that no one ever really defines it other than everyone is supposed to put it on their website. […]

Web Marketing Personal Touch

Web Marketing – Get Personal With It

Why you’re a natural for web marketing. Chances are if you are reading this you are a small to medium sized business owner. Chances are you became a success because you understand and know your customers, often by their first name.  You know what they like, what they need and you have no problem tailoring […]

Writing Web Copy

Who Is Your Web Copy Written For?

Create your ideal customer. Is your web copy written to appeal to one person or everyone? If you answered everyone, consider that everyone isn’t paying your bills. One person has that honor. Yes, that was a trick question. Put another way, do you know who your ideal or best customer is? If so, that’s who your web […]


Guys, Pinterest Wants You.

Pinterest wants to butch up. Women love Pinterest and Pinterest wants to change that.  Maybe improve rather than change is a better word to use. The popular social media bookmarking site is trying to attract more men to start pinning their passions. It’s also starting it’s Promoted Pins advertising program in the USA. This is […]

Wordpress Website Design.

Should you use a slider on your website?

The answer is no. You may stop reading now if you want. Answering the big questions in website design. Sliders are rotating banners, usually, on home pages, like the one on our home page. This also may be a little more “inside baseball” on website design than most people want to know, but here it goes. Chances are […]

SEO On-page, off-page

Off-Page Local SEO Tips for 2015

Hey, Houston, 2015 is well underway and this is the post about what you can do off-page to improve your local SEO.  Off-page SEO is mostly websites linking to your website. It’s something you can control. The good news about this is it’s really pretty easy to do. It’s also good idea to do as well.  Google […]

Local SEO Marketing | Houston, TX

On-Page Local SEO Tips for 2015

Hey, Houston, TX, 2015 is finally here! As with anything else, there are new trends in both on-site and off-site local SEO for the new year. This post covers the on-site trends, the things you do directly to your website to be better found by the search engines for your local customers. Trend 1: Make your […]

Facebook Logo

Should you be on Facebook?

Should your business be on Facebook? Well, of course. Yes. Sure. Well, maybe, depending. If your Facebook page isn’t doing much for your business, consider this from Copyblogger. In October they killed off their Facebook page, shaking up the social media world. Who is Copyblogger and why did they shake up the social media world? They are […]