Attack Of The Killer Web Content

I love the phrase “killer content.” I really don’t know what it means, but it sure makes me smile.

Killer content also goes by the less colorful name of great web content. The problem for me is that no one ever really defines it other than everyone is supposed to put it on their website.

Killer or great, it’s the content strategy you are supposed to use to turn readers into customers.

So, does great killer content really convert?

Well, maybe.

Killer vs right.

A clever video, or colorful graphic or well a turned phrase may get noticed and draw raves from some people, but does it work?  If lots of people see it and then go away, then no, it’s a failure.  It may be Killer Contentgreat, or killer or whatever web content, but it’s not the right content.

The right content answers your readers’ questions.  It helps them solve a problem.  The right web content gives readers that aha moment that makes them think “This is what I need and I need to learn more.  I’m filling out the contact form.”

It may not win awards or garner lots of attention, but it converts readers into customers; it makes them take an action.

That is the right content.  That is my idea of great killer content.

It’s web content that grows your business and that is the first order of the day. Everything else is secondary.

Where to get the right content?

For me it starts with the mythical ideal customer.  Everything on your website must be there with him or her in mind. Your content is there only there to answer the questions of your ideal customer and those answers must lead to you.

Once you have that done, continue on by actually asking some of your customers

  • Why do they do business with you?
  • What did they think about you before they chose you?
  • What questions do you answer for them?
  • What obstacles did you overcome before they did business with you?
  • What kept them from doing business with you earlier?
  • Add a few of your own.

Their answers here may surprise you, offering insights into your whole business you never knew about before.

When killer meets right.

Now is the time to put it all together. Now is the time for a clever video, or a colorful graphic or well a turned phrase to get noticed and draw raves and get shared.  Now you have content that solves your readers problems with the obstacles or reasons not do business with you gone.

How killer is that?

Need some help putting it all together or updating your web content?

We can help.  Go here or click on the form on the upper right.  When killer meets right, it can be a beautiful thing.


Attack Of The Killer Web Content was last modified: March 18th, 2016 by Dave LeBlanc
Posted in Web Content and tagged , , .

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